How do I cancel my Budget Feeder subscription?

To cancel or close your Budget Feeder subscription, please:

  • Visit the billing portal at
  • Click on the green Open Billing Portal button
  • Click on your subscription, either Monthly or Annual
  • Click on Cancel Subscription
  • Optionally, please enter the reason for your Cancellation. It greatly helps us improve the product and we really appreciate it.
  • Click on the green Confirm Cancellation button

Once you have done this, your subscription will automatically cancel at the end of your billing period:

  • If you're in your free 7 day trial, it will automatically cancel at the end of the trial
  • If you're on a Monthly plan, it will automatically cancel at the end of the month you have paid up to.

You will be able to continue to use Budget Feeder up until your billing period ends and the cancellation takes place. We'll be sorry to see you go, but you're welcome back any time!

90 days after your billing period ends, your Budget Feeder account will be permanently deleted. If you would like to save a copy of your billing receipts, please do so before this time.

Note: If you have decided not to use YNAB at all, you will need to cancel that separately.

YNAB has changed the financial lives of countless customers, so if you're keen to give it another try, we recommend taking a look at the YNAB Fans group, and the YNAB Fans Australia group on Facebook to connect with the community there.

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